Within the development of VR (Virtual Reality) technology, we have a chance to enjoy more awesome online products, such as gaming, VR films. However, as the priority requirement, to enjoy the VR products, we usually think about wearing an VR glass to access this virtual society. and it is not always suitable for anyone to try this tech, especially in developing countries as Vietnam.

Luckily, in 2018, you do not need to buy a VR glass or paying a lot of money for trying this tech. Because Youtube already develop 360° video contents on this platform.

This will give you a chance to watch 360° video just from your bedroom.

Let check some awesome videos that started for this video trend in 2018 😍😍😍.

Hoping that you will have great time with these video.

And do you want to know how these videos can be produced by yourself ? Comment to require. I will reveal how you can do that if have at least 100 comments that asking about this issue.😙



Nature beauty with 360° effect

 Cartoon film “Loud House” with 360° effect

The “Super Mario” – Game of Childhood with 360° effect

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